Mickey's Man Friday (1935) original production animation model drawing red, green, yellow and black pencil on 9.5" x 24" pan animation sheet, image size: 5.25" x 13.5"
This animation model drawing of native warriors using a coconut tree as a battering ram was created by a Disney Studio animator in production of the animated cartoon directed by David Hand. It was used in the studio's Ink-and-Paint Department as a guide to painting cels for this scene. Mickey lands on a remote island where he rescues a native from the cooking pot, and together they build a fort to defend themselves from the local tribe of cannibals. The natives attack and attempt to batter down the gates with this tree, but it collapses like a telescope upon impact. Handwritten note to animator Clyde "Gerry" Geronomi at lower right reads: "Gerry / Scene 45, U.M. 29 / Cell #2 Drwg. #X / Model Only".
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