Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) original production animation drawing red, blue and black pencil on untrimmed animation sheet, Sneezy image size: 4.5" x 3.5", 4.5" x 8.25" with sketched-in arms
This splendid final animation drawing of Sneezy, with Happy and Dopey's arms sketched in, was created by a Disney Studio animator in production of Walt Disney's first animated feature, and a cel painting was made directly from it. Walt Disney's great animator Fred Moore supervised the animation of Sneezy in this scene in the Dwarfs' bedroom. Sneezy begins to sneeze, Happy and Dopey reach in from the sides to place fingers under his nose, and offscreen Snow White declares: "And you're Sneezy!" The action of Happy and Dopey is sketched in red pencil. The Seven Dwarfs were named for their individual characteristics, and it is particularly nice for a drawing to portray one of those traits so clearly. The animator wrote the studio designation “44” at lower right to indicate this original's place in the scene; handwritten note at lower left identifies this drawing's place in the film: "sc. 18A of Seq 5A."
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