Pinocchio (1940) original production animation drawing red, green, blue and black pencil on untrimmed animation sheet, image size: 8" x 6"
This original final animation drawing of Stromboli, the imposing and unscrupulous Italian puppeteer, was created by a Disney Studio animator in production of the classic animated feature, and a cel painting was made directly from it. In this scene supervised by Vladimir Tytla, one of Walt Disney's greatest animator of the 1930s and early-1940s, Stromboli introduces the sensational new performer in his marionette show, Pinocchio: "and by special permission of the management - that's-a me, too - questalonoche - is presenting to you..." The drawing shows the animator's construction of the powerful figure of Stromboli in the colored pencil lines. The animator wrote the studio designation “101” at lower right to indicate this original's place in the scene; studio stamp denoting production, sequence and scene numbers appears at lower right.
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