Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) original production animation drawing red, green and black pencil on untrimmed animation sheet, image size: 4.75" x 8.25"
This outstanding final animation drawing of the Wicked Queen as the Old Witch was created by a Disney Studio animator in production of Walt Disney's first animated feature, and a cel painting was made directly from it. Norm Ferguson, one of Walt Disney's top animators of the 1930s and 1940s, supervised the animation of this scene in which the Witch speaks to Snow White through the window of the kitchen in the Seven Dwarfs' cottage. "It's apple pies that make the men folks mouth water...pies made from apples like these," she remarks, and proffers the poisoned apple. The animator wrote the studio designation “324” at upper and lower right to indicate this original's place in the scene; studio stamp denoting production, sequence and scene numbers appears at lower left.
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